Sunday, March 16, 2008

New Communication Technologies

On the topic of new communication technologies id have to say the main networks i use would be MSN messenger, facebook, myspace, email and ofcourse my mobile phone! my phone is my lifeline to the outside world, its my immediate way of keeping in contact with friends and family on a daily basis. As for for MSN n email, thats more on a weekly or sumtimes monthly basis depending on how im feeling with the world... And Facebook/Myspace id say i use weekly.

I generally dont socialise with friends i dont know on the net, well these days anyway. When i was younger and in highschool i would always use msn, it was a daily thing, and i would add what i call "randoms", which is people i don't know, and chat to them, mainly when i was ment to be studying! But today, i dont add anyone to my facebook or myspace account that i dont know, or know of through a friend. it's like its my little personal space and i dont want god knows who looking at my pics or reading thru convo's with my mates. it's all a bit creepy! So i guess thats why privacy isnt really an issue for me coz if i dont know them then i wont add them or talk to them, they get blocked!
Ive been using MSN since beginning of highschool but as there is always something new coming out i have somewhat drifted more towards myspace and facebook. For me MSN was the big thing at school but its amazing to see that for my sisters, just 2 years younger than me, myspace was the one that took over n MSN just disappeared into the back ground, ofcourse it will always be there though. So i have only started using myspace in the last few years, introduced to it by my sisters. And, admitttedly, i hated it at first, with a passion. but as i started to realise how much u can do with it and how many of my friends were using it, i finally gave in! Then came facebook, which i now prefer, as i consider myspace to be "so highschool!" Facebook came to me from friends travelling overseas as it became a more fun way to keep in contact than boring email. but id have to say the type of people, i have noticed, that use facebook and myspace are completely different. Ofcourse a few of them have both, like me, but generally myspace seems to be for the younger just-come-out-of-highschool crew, whereas facebook seems to be widely used by twenty-somethings and up. That said, it also depends i think alot on your peers. if most of ur mates have myspace then that's what you'll probly tend towards. The reason i have both is coz some friends only have one or the other so its my way of keeping in contact with my different groups of friends. And thats what it comes down to basically, is grouping. Different people and different groups prefer a differnt interface to say, another person. So really, its just preference on interface, they both do roughly the same things and keep you in contact with people. and thats all you need!

As i get older i tend to shy away from socialising online as i prefer to do it face to face or over the phone. but new communication technologies such as myspace and facebook is more of a fun way to play around n socialise with friends and also share pics. I went thru a phase about a year ago where i was a little bit on the addicted side to these two networks but now its not so much a neccesity n more just a fun convenience. It's quite good to see that the older generations have taken a bit of an interest n understanding in these new technologies. My parents have actively taken to mobile phones, i suppose as a way to readily keep in contact with us kids but also for convenience. and my grandparents have gradually accepted email which is good, but taken a while and alot of teaching! But i suppose for their generation it is alot to take in and understand, but im glad they're making an effort. All these new technologies definitely have their conveniences, which i love!

Till nxt time, Ez :)

Sunday, March 9, 2008

An insight into me

The facts: I'm 21, female, green eyes, blonde hair.

Someone once said "The best things in life are free!"
Well in my life it goes a lil like that. Music, the beach, sun, friends, & family are all the things that mean the most to me, they are the best things in my life, and u guessed it..they're FREE!
I love sunny days, music festivals, hot summer days at the beach, chillin with friends, crazy random nites out, and yummy cocktails with the girls.
I'm a real girly girl, a daddy's girl, i love inspirational stuff, i can't wait to travel the world, i love meeting new people, and i'm a sucker for red frogs, thats my weak point!

So thats me in a nutshell, the short version of the long story...

Ez :)