Sunday, April 13, 2008

Search Engines and You!

This week we've been asked to look at search engines and how they work. Things like how do pages get ranked and what makes one more important or relevant than another one. Complicated stuff, i know, so here we go..

Each search engine follow a set of rules known as an algorithm, but how each engines algorithm works is a trade-secret. Generally, they follow what is called the location/frequency method. This involves the location and frequency of keywords used on a web page. Also used is how pages link to each other, which may give them higher ranks, thus determine how one page is ranked higher than the other. But also based on relevance of the page when you're searching keywords.

It's all very technical as far as im concerned, so this is just my general take on how its done, according to the reading i've done.
My favourite search engines would be and google although i do use altavista occasionally. Google scholar is also another good one for academic research, i highly recommend it!

Feeewww...i need a break now. Keep a look out for my nxt update on my travels in New Comms Tech and wat else ive discovered..

Til nxt time, Ez :)

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