Tuesday, April 22, 2008


This weeks tute exercise was involving Wikipedia, as discussed in the lecture. We were asked to pick 2 topics that we knew alot about. So firstly i have chosen Pomeranians, and secondly the rapper 50 cent. Two totally unrelated topics, i know!

So lets start with the article on Pomeranians.
I recently received a puppy for my birthday, a little Pomeranian, who i called Coco-Chanel. And, yes, she is the cutest puppy you will EVER see!! Anyway, so in acquiring such a pup i had to read up and know exactly what i was getting. My best friend, who gave me Coco, has 2 Pomeranians so i did know a bit about them already but its always interesting to read more. I've read everything from the history of Poms to how to toilet train them! So by now i'd say i know a fair bit..
I found the article at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pomeranian_(dog)
It is a very informative, detailed and accurate piece. It talks about all the normal details of a dog that you need to know, as well as health problems, history and an interesting part about famous people in history who owned Poms and celebrities who own them today. Quite interesting to note that Paris Hilton has 2 Poms! The article goes into detail on Pomeranian appearance and standards which is good for the beginner who wants or needs to know about this type of dog. It also has external links for further reading which is quite helpful. It is hard for this article to be biased as it is written as an informative piece, not an argument trying to influence you to pick a side.
Finally, one thing i would add to this article would be "traits", which i noticed has a heading on the page but is empty. In fairness, all dogs do have their own personality but there are certain traits that these Poms do posses that would be helpful to people who are considering getting a Pomeranian or for those who have just got one.

Now for the second part, American rapper 50 cent.

50 cent is an artist who people may think is a little out-of-left-field for my tastes, but theres always more than meets the eye and what people don't know about me is that i like all types of music. I have seen 50 cent's movie "Get rich or die tryin" and i must say i was quite impressed! It is a good insight into his life and the battle he's had. It actually provokes feeling and emotion, not your typical singer-turned-actor movie, that's for sure.
You can find the article here on Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/50_cent
It is quite long and detailed, discussing the history of the artist, his rise to fame, controversies and disagreements with other rappers, his business ventures, a lawsuit, and the list goes on. It may seem like alot to read but i think you definitely need to read all aspects of this article in order to understand who 50 cent is and what he's about. It definitely covers all areas of importance in regard to 50 cent and his life, which is important for understanding this topic. It even goes as far to offer many links to related articles and subjects mentioned in the article. There are quite alot of references in this article which makes it fairly accurate, as it has not just come from one persons point of view. Which also coincides with the article being mostly unbiased, i'd say. There are alot of opportunities for bias in this piece, especially as it discusses controversies concerning certain other rappers, which leaves it open for people to take sides. But all in all it is pretty fair. I don't think i would want to add anything to this piece because if i was reading it for the first time i would know a fair bit about him!

I hope you have all learnt something today and perhaps gained a bit more insight into my life.

Til nxt time, Ez :)

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